

  • Now Offering Vintage Synth Repair & Restoration Services
  • Post author
    tone tweakers inc
  • analog synthesizersrepairsrestorationsservicingvintage synth repair

Now Offering Vintage Synth Repair & Restoration Services

Now Offering Vintage Synth Repair & Restoration Services

We have a fellow vintage synth tech friend who's seen us work on the high end items we sell. He's always admired our work and pointed out that we're not just doing repairs or servicing stuff here - we're doing full electronic restorations.

When people take their synths in to a repair shop, they generally want to pay as little as possible to get their items "good enough" for their purposes. We've often seen them sell items our friend worked on and their description would say they were "fully serviced", despite the fact that they definitely weren't as, despite his recommendations, they made it clear that they wanted to spend as little as possible.  

We're not satisfied with "good enough". Most of the high end synths we sell are lovingly disassembled, cleaned inside and out, and fully serviced - meaning we address every little functional imperfection, take whatever measures we can to extend the life and reliability of our instruments and often improve them in the process so they're in like new working order if not better once we're done.

We know how much time, love and money we invest in our restorations because they're all done here, in house. We also know that the items we sell are way better than nearly all other examples of their type on the market, because we're perfectionists and we don't cut corners to deliver anything less than a product that works as well as it possibly can.

All of this comes at a price. We intentionally set our prices at top market value to reflect the huge investment we've made to make them better than the rest. This often results in high-priced instruments that are slow to sell, as well as the occasional snarky comments from those with little understanding of or appreciation for the process required to make 30-40 year old instruments nice and clean inside and out and working perfectly again. 

We recently decided to offer our vintage synth restoration services to others who value their instruments enough to give them the full overhaul they deserve. This way, we get  paid for our labor instead of having to tie up money and space on inventory and embed restoration fees in our prices - for less than what we would make if we were simply charging for our hard work.

If you've got an instrument you'd like fully restored, please contact us, but remember, there's a big difference between the cost of an ordinary repair and the cost of a full restoration. If you're on a lower budget and can't pay for a full restoration, we may be able to help too, though our preference is to fully overhaul everyone's synths so they're just as good as the items we sell. We look forward to hearing from you.


  • Post author
    tone tweakers inc
  • analog synthesizersrepairsrestorationsservicingvintage synth repair